All music items are shipped worldwide from Sydney, Australia.
Order your music from our online catalogue and check-out with PayPal shopping cart. Please select your shipping region before adding to cart.
Local pick-up is in Orange, NSW.
Alternately email your order by using the link below, including your shipping address, and we will give you a combined shipping price and payment options.
Australian orders we accept PayPal, cheque or direct deposit.
Kookaburra Music also accepts Mastercard and Visa for telephone orders and personal shopping.
Telephone: 0407 944 493* 9am-6pm Australian Eastern Time
* Please note, Kookaburra Music has no affiliation with a company of similar name selling musical instruments on eBay.
International orders we accept PayPal and Mastercard or Visa.
Telephone: +61 407 944 493 9am-6pm Australian Eastern Time